
Please consult our below FAQ before getting in contact with us as our reply times can be up to 1-2 working days.

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Contact Us


Where is the event?

A secret location in Essex. More details revealed soon.

What happens on the event?

You will drive around a pre determined route and through different terrifying scenes.

How long does the event last?

The event will last between 25-30 minutes

How much are tickets?

Tickets will be between £25- £30 per car.

Do I leave my car?

You will never leave the car during the event.

Who can attend?

Anyone can attend over the age of 16, the driver must hold valid insurance and a full driving license.

Will the actors touch me or my vehicle?

The actors will never come into contact with you, at some points they will get very close to the vehicle but they will never touch the vehicle with force or cause any damage to your vehicle.

Will I get blood on my vehicle?

You may get a small amount of blood (fake, non toxic and non staining) on your vehicle. You can choose our Extra Gore package to have your car splattered in more blood, try explaining that at the car wash!

Do I drive through the whole event?

You drive to the start of the ‘scene’ where you will switch of your engine before he scene can start. Once the scene finished you will drive to the next scene.

What happens if I am too scared?

To signal any problems you sound your horn and the scare scene will stop. You may then leave escorted by our safety vehicle.

More Coming Soon